Sabiha Gokcen Airport 2nd Runway Tunnel Works

Sabiha Gokcen Airport 2nd Runway Tunnel Works
State Airports Administration (DHMI) / SSM
Celikler Construction Inc
Features / Capacity / Area
2 Parallel Tunnels
Contract Date
2015 June
In line with the protocol signed between SSM and DHMİ, the ‘Sabiha Gökçen Airport 2nd Runway and its Complements’ work was completed in two stages.
The 1st stage works consist of the displacement of the existing natural gas and energy transmission lines where the 2nd runway will be built, the construction of road connections and tunnels, additional environmental security fencing and side roads.
Within the scope of the 1st stage works, 2 parallel NATM tunnel, road and traffic, drainage and infrastructure displacements, tunnel ventilation and electricity projects, earth and filling works, etc. were designed.
Prota’s design scope includes;
- Mapping and geological survey
- Connection Roads design
- NATM Tunnels design
- Utilities replacement design
- Retaining Walls design
- Civil Structures design
- Traffic Planning
- Tunnel Control Centre Building Design
- MEP Design