Izmir Tupras Refinery Seismic Retrofitting
Izmir Tupras Refinery Seismic Retrofitting
Izmir, Aliaga
Tupras Inc
Features / Capacity / Area
90,806.00 sqm / 3 Industrial Chimneys
Contract Date
2002 January
TÜPRAŞ İzmir Refinery is located in Aliaga district of İzmir. It was decided to establish the refinery operated by Tupras in 1965. Its construction started in 1969 with the technical and financial cooperation of the Soviet Union. The refinery was put into service in 1972 with an annual crude oil processing capacity of 3 million tons. Machine oil facilities started production in 1974. The refinery’s crude oil processing capacity has reached 12 million tons. The refinery was awarded first place in the “Large-Scale Enterprise” category at the Energy Efficiency Awards given by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry in 2020.
Prota undertook the assessment of the administrative buildings and lodgings in the refinery and 3 industrial chimneys with a height of up to 130 m in the production area, examination of earthquake performances and current situation analysis, and preparation of reinforcement projects if necessary.