Izmir Halkapınar Underground Metro Depot



Izmir Metropolitan Municipality
Suburban and Rail System Investments Directorate


Features / Capacity / Area
16.000 sqm total area / 116 Metro Car Capacity

Contract Date
2014 January

Preparation of feasibility and implementation projects for the underground depot and maintenance facility building with approximately 16,000 sqm area, 116 wagon capacity, and two underground floors; including an automatic vehicle washing unit and a mobile steel roof platform, as well as a generator structure;

  • Identification of existing infrastructure facilities and infrastructure displacement projects
  • Architectural projects, interior and finishing works design
  • Excavation support system design
  • Static calculations, reinforced concrete and steel projects
  • Ventilation system design
  • Smoke exhaust system design
  • Heating-cooling systems
  • Plumbing system
  • Water-Based fire extinguishing systems
  • Compressed air system
  • Fire detection system
  • LV – MV systems designs
  • Lighting system
  • Grounding designs
  • Power supply
  • CER power and 3rd rail system
  • Control and communication systems
  • Signaling and SCADA system
  • Environmental control system
  • Preparation of BoQ, technical specifications and tender documents

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