Human Resource Development for Afghanistan
T & Associates
Features / Capacity / Area
7 weeks interactive training
Contract Date
2014 April
In the context of the “Promotion of Kabul Metropolitan Area Development” Project prepared by JICA Project Team, our company (PROTA and DAMPO partnership) prepared two separate training programs that will be undertaken in Turkey for the visiting Afghan Mission during the period of 31 August –21 November 2014. The general framework of the training program is given below:
- Target groups of both training programs are officials and decision makers from Kabul Municipality (KM) and the Dehsabz City Development Authority (DCDA) respectively. The objective of the training program is to expose the visiting mission with some selected Turkey-based examples of urban transformation, land readjustment, informal settlements regularization, urban renewal, and expanding city development projects.
- Each training program module is organized for duration of five weeks (35 days) as to be realized in Ankara and Istanbul. The trainings have been organized with the participation of academicians from universities, experts from public institutions and private companies. Instıtutional visits and site visits in cooperation with relevant organizations are also an essential part of training studies.