Gold Recovery Plant at Terek-Sai



Eti Bakir JSC and Eti Bakir Terek-sai LLC.

Cengiz Energy

Features / Capacity / Area
22,000 sqm / Capacity of 1 million tons Gold Ore

Contract Date
2020 April

Prota has designed all architectural, structural, non-process mechanical and electrical projects of the mining facility, which will have a processing capacity of 1 million tons of gold ore in the Terek-Sai region of Kyrgyzstan, which was realized by Eti Bakır A.Ş. within Cengiz Holding.  We started at September 2019 and completed the project works in February 2020.


Within the scope of the project, Biological Treatment Plant, Warehouse, MEP Building, Laboratory, Apron Feeder, Lime Preparation Building, Mill and Leach Tanks Plant, Smelter Building, Sodium Cyanide Preparation Building, Admin Building were designed.

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